Reviews and Testimonials for Cyberslammmed

"A solid foundation to help educators teach young people about appropriate behavior both on- and offline."-Kirkus Indie*
_"This workbook should be required for every middle and high school student. It's comprehensive, easy to understand, and gives students the tools they need to live safely in today's digital world." Jamie Nabozny, subject of the documentary,
How Cyberslammed Helps Kids
"A truly unique resource."
-Anne Collier, Founder and co-director of and co-author of A Parents Guide to Facebook Read full review. |
As a parent of a 12-year-old girl desperate to get her first cell phone, I can't thank you enough for the timely, impeccably researched and clearly formatted information in this book. The practical step-by-step approach to preventing and mitigating the effects of cyberbullying puts control back in the hands of parents, teachers, and the children who would be victims of potentially devastating attacks. -Alex Owre, Director of Development, Five Town Communities That Care |
How Cyberslammed Helps Schools
During my 36-year career in law enforcement, and as a father and grandfather, it is clear that there is an aspect of our society that is focused on violence, miscreant behavior, deviance, and just mean-spirited demeanor toward others. The resources within the book are outstanding.. . [it] helps the reader understand the intricacies of these issues and provides a clearer understanding of the threat posed to the victims. Cyberslammed is an outstanding resource for school administrators charged with creating policies and procedures to address student safety.
-Kenneth D. Hughes Chief of Police, Retired |
"If you have a teen or need to deal with online harassment, this book will do wonders. Practical exercises, tech tactics, and teen vocabulary help you understand the mindset of a bully."
-Milton Ramirez Ed.D. Educator, Writer, creator of |
So why else should you choose Cyberslammed over some of the other books about cyberbullying? Here’s why. Because it is a practical workbook that can be used by parents and educators in partnership with young people (middle and high school students) to discuss and work through realistic scenarios. In so doing, adults and young people can help empower each other to be able to anticipate, navigate, and intervene more effectively in specific cyberbullying tactics.
Amazon review 4 stars: read for full review Dr. Jenny Walker, President of Cyberbullying Consulting Ltd founder |
From Leaders In Reputation Management:

This book wins through its sheer versatility. It’s clearly at home in schools, but equally useful as a resource for camps, youth clubs, seminars, consultancy, bullying conferences, teacher education and parenting., Reputation Management, Reputation Management