It's probably not ironic that the bully chose to use Facebook as his technological medium. Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook, started his career by creating a Rating Website called Facemash, (which has now been recreated once again) Once, again, the popularity and subsequent power of this tactic relied on how many bystanders played the role of the bully's supported.
"Hundreds of students cheered him on,'" Haley Rea told local news network CBS 2.
"They didn't see the fundamental wrong, and the sexism and racism of it, and the misogyny of it," Julia Levy added.
More than ever, teach your students and teens the potential pitfalls of posting certain photos of themselves online. Yes, sharing photos for fun with friends is more than not, a fun, innocent pasttime, but teens always have to remember that every photo can be used against them online--especially in the case of a Rating Website. Tools such as Google+'s "Find My Face" feature--an opt-in feature that allows friends to tag one's photos and Facebook's "tag" feature are the latest examples of facial recognition technology creeping closer to the horizon than ever. Do a photo inventory with your teens in class or at home each month to clear out the ones that can be misused and abused.
Get all of the tactics in one book and prepare your child to recognize and defuse certain types of cyberbullying. Sale: $12.50 Buy The Book